Jok - Korean hand & Foot Acupuncture
In understanding the anatomy of the human body as a
whole, the hands and feet themselves represent a smaller, but nevertheless
true, mirror image of the whole body. Within this view, the thumbs and large
toes represent the head. Also, in addition to serving their normal functions
as appendages to the four limbs (legs and arms), the hands and feet are
endowed with an exquisite "remote control" function which can cure
diseases throughout the whole body. Knowledge of the principles through hand
and foot acupuncture will provide an impressive vehicle for personal and
family health care.
One of the characteristics of the human body is
existence of a certain correspondence system between the whole of the body
and some of its parts. Through this system the whole of the body is
represented in many places all over the body. Correspondence works in such
way that the whole of the body and its representations are interactive. Thus
if a part of the body is affected with a disease it is also reflected in the
place which represents the affected part. And on the other hand a stimulation
of a place which represents a particular part of the body raises a reaction
in the represented part. A general idea of existence of this type of body
correspondence has already been proved by anatomy and physiology.
A new type of therapy which Prof Park Jae Woo, have
generally named Hand and Foot Acupuncture (Su Jok Acupuncture) is a method of
curing diseases by stimulation of the hands and the feet with a combined use
of acupuncture, medical treatment aids like Moxibustion, finger pressure
therapy and others.
Research has already established correspondence
between the body and the hand led me to a discovery of a new system of
correspondence, in which the thumb represents the head. In addition to that,
He was also able to confirm the fact that the foot has the same type of
correspondence as the hand. Presuming that an autonomous system of therapy
will also be possible through the foot I approached it with acupuncture and
Moxibustion. This way an application of the domain of Oriental Medicine -
acupuncture - exclusively to the hands and the feet developed a new and
unique method of treatment and the same established the birth of Su Jok
Hand and Foot Acupuncture may be classified as a
pluralistic system of treatment which has several levels.
The first level, which is based on physical science,
utilizes for treatment a simple stimulation of the following body
correspondence reaction, body corresponding areas on the hands and the feet.
Since a part of the body where sickness appears has its counterparts -
corresponding areas- on the hands and the feet, stimulation there yields
results in therapy. If only there is an understanding of the relation between
the body and related to it correspondence structure on the hands and the
feet, a practical application of this type of therapy is possible and easy
for anyone. Treatment results obtained from stimulation of the corresponding
areas of the hand and the foot is tremendous. This popular way of treatment
can successfully relieve almost all the complaints.
The other levels of treatment differ from the
described above Correspondence Therapy as they utilize distinguished in the
Classical Acupuncture and established by the pathways of metaphysical Energy,
the Twelve Classical Meridians, the Eight Extra Meridians (Ki Kyong P'al Mek)
and belonging to them Points (Hyol). More over it also utilizes a reduced
form of those which exist as a result of body correspondence on the hand and
the foot in organized flow and branches of Byol Meridians and Byol Points.
Thus on this level we have for disposal a particular
system of treatment in which it is possible to utilize experience accumulated
from the Classical Acupuncture and to apply its theory just as it is also to
link it with the art and the theory characteristic for the newly researched
Hand and Foot Acupuncture. Since these two differing from each other systems
of treatment are independent no matter which one we will allows to use it
will yield a positive result. However they also manifest a flexibility which
allows to adjust them to the conditions of the disease and also to use them
jointly in order
To obtain the best results when efficiency of
treatment i.e. its duration is taken in to consideration
By using the pit of the human stomach as the center
point and rotating the head 140 degrees, the parts of the hand will
correspond to particular parts of the body. The thumb identifies the head and
the neck; the chubby part of the palm under the thumb is the chest and the
palm as a whole refers to the abdominal region. The middle and ring fingers
are legs while the index and small fingers correspond to the arms. From the
structural point of view, it is the hand which has the closest resemblance to
the whole human body.
The principles of body correspondence structure
which apply to the feet are the same as those of the hands: the big toe to
the head and neck, the round shaped pad under the big toe to the chest and
the palm of the foot to the abdominal area. Respectively, the third and the
forth toe correspond to the legs, while the second and the fifth toe to the
The correspondence structure of the toes is more
particular. On the left foot: the second toe to the left arm, the third toe
to the left leg, the fourth toe to the right leg and the fifth toe to the
right arm. The right foot is reversed: the second toe to the right arm, the
third toe to the right leg, the fourth toe to the left leg and the fifth to
the left arm.
The parts of body related to the Yang (places which
naturally are exposed to the sunlight), i.e. the outside parts of legs and
hands, the buttocks, the back of head and others are represented in the Yang
sides: back of the hands and the top of the feet. Consequently, the treatment
of more areas, especially the shoulders, spine and waist yield excellent
results when undertaken on the Yang sides of the hand and foot.
Importance of the Su Jok Therapy
The hand's anatomic likeness to the body is too
evident to be just incidental or coincidental. This likeness bears proof of
the profound internal relationships between the hand and all of the body; it
explains the high therapeutic effect noticed by specialists when influence is
applied to the correspondence points of hands and feet. The law of the
fastest and strongest Homo-interaction is in effect between the hand, foot
and the body.
Existence of the numerous signs of the likeness
proves irrefutably that the thumb and big toe are in correspondence with the
hand, the third and fourth fingers and toes are in correspondence with the
legs, the second and fifth fingers toes with the arms, and the hand's palm -
with the trunk.
Since the time the Su Jok therapy principles were
made public, many people in Korea and other lands, both with and without
medical background, have learnt the theory of the method and applied it in
practice with remarkable success.
One of man's most cherished dreams is to live a life
in perfect health. Person’s diseases are not only his or her misfortunes of
fate but just as much are a consequence of conditions of work, social
environment and economic situation. It follows from this that dissemination
of the simple, inexpensive and at the same time effective method of cure
meets the interests of all countries and peoples.
Two levels of knowledge are best to be marked out in
the Su Jok System; one for people without a medical education and the other
for medical practitioners who are apt to employ the therapeutic
potentialities of this method more profoundly.
If the population gets trained in basics of the
treatment to a level that would enable everyone to help oneself when
necessary, many people would not need apply to medical institutions in cases
of minor indispositions or * benign * diseases. Such people would get rid of inconveniences;
loss of time and many apprehensions caused by indispositions and so could
live a happier life.
Every person has the right to learn and master the
simple methods of self cure.
Su Jok Therapy is a synthesis of natural treatment
methods and is based on certain philosophical principles; some of these
methods can be used by every person for self - cure by acting on one's hands
and feet.
We have mentioned above that hands and feet house
special curative correspondence system. These are so simple and understandable
that they cannot but be seen as a proof of the Creator's love for mankind. In
the spirit of the lofty Love embodied in these curative systems the author
strives to bring the knowledge of these systems to the people of the world so
that every person could learn and use them.
The system of curative correspondences of hands and
feet is quite simple and can be achieved even by a person having no
specialized medical background. There is no particular need of special
medical instruments to work with this system. The target can be achieved with
the help of natural stimulators such as grains, thorns, small pebbles, etc.
Any disease is basically caused by disturbances of
the energy balance in the organism or in a part of it. Hands and feet are
more than just miniature copies of the physical body. They carry also the
likeness of the energy system of the body and its components; meridians and
chakras. It has been proved by experience that comparatively simple methods
of stimulating different links of the energy system can produce remarkable
curative effects.
Various micro magnets are used widely for this
purpose. The principles of magnetic stimulation of miniature projections of
the meridians (byol meridians) and chakras (byol-chakras) on hands and feet
are relatively simple and can be learned and mastered in little time. Thus,
the second step in Su Jok treatment is non-invasive treatment by
byol-meridians and chakras.
Treatment via correspondences of hands and feet is
the principal method of the Su Jok therapy that can be used by all people of
the planet to provide first aid. I am sure that the dissemination of the
method will play a major part in building a healthy society.
Translated from Korean words < SU > means <
Hand >, and < JOK > means < FOOT >. Thus this method is one
using hands and feet for medical treatment. Hands and feet carry specific
curative systems that follow the principle of likeness; the shapes of the
hand and foot resemble the human body. These curative systems are given the
name of correspondence systems of hands and feet.
Much time had passed the therapeutic effects
produced empirically could be related to the likeness of hands and feet to
the body and proved the possibility of existence of such correspondence
systems. But are the correspondence systems exclusively located on the hand
and foot
Ancient physicians knew that there are some parts of
the body that reflect the whole of the organism. Quite a few methods are
known that use certain areas of the human body as correspondence systems;
craniopuncture treats the points of the hairy portion of the head,
rhinoacupunture makes use of points on the nose, etc. Ancient Chinese
treatises described the correspondence of a person's face to his body that
made it possible to make an adequate diagnosis of afflictions of different
organs. Methods of diagnosis by eye iris were known an ancient Egypt. Methods
of diagnosis by the tongue are used by Indian and Chinese physicians to this
day. These treatment methods are largely empirical, that is, it took
millennia to accumulate the knowledge of what point corresponds to what organ
or body part. So called maps of face, nose, tongue, eyelids, etc were drawn
French physician Nogier advanced and perfected the
ancient method of treatment by points on the floor of the auricle. He noted
that the shape of the ear resembles the human embryo. The likeness made it
much easier to learn the method and was a big qualitative leap in the
development of auriculotherapy. But that was not the end.
Suffice it to recall the resonance effect of tuning
forks; when one of them is made to sound another tuning fork of a closest
tone would sound, too. A weaker sound may be generated by other tuning forks
that are less like the first one. The fact is the likeness ensures the
fastest interaction with a least loss of energy. It would be logical to
assume that the fastest and the most effective treatment can be one that is
produced by influencing the parts of the body that are most similar to it in
The human ear does look like the human embryo.
However, a thorough study of other body parts reveals that the hand manifests
the greatest likeness to the body; the hand has a palm and five fingers; the
body likewise has the trunk and five protruding parts, namely, the head and
the four extremities.
More over, fingers do have three each; likewise, the
human body's extremities also have three parts each while the head and the
neck two parts. Thus, a simple observation provides information what part of
the hand corresponds to what body part.
However, the likeness has another aspect; if hands
are shaped so much alike to the shapes of the human body, men should have
noticed this likeness and used it in treatment. That is, the Power that has
created man also took care to provide mechanisms that keep him in health.
Such mechanisms manifest the Creator's love for man.
Sometime in 1953 as I was scrutinizing my hand I was
struck by the thumb's likeness to the head. By 1974 I had developed a clear
idea of the constitutional likeness of human hand and body.
In 1984, Prof Park made a complete description of
the curative correspondence system, which included hands and feet. Because of
the likeness of hand and feet; He came to the conclusion that they carry
similar systems of correspondence which are in a Yin-Yang relationship.
The correspondence systems of hands and feet were
for the first time presented officially in the press in 1987, the delay being
due to the needs of other research. In October of 1987 was printed, and in
December of that year. The manual (August of 1988) outlined the fundamentals
of the Su Jok theory and also presented the therapeutic correspondence system
in the hand and foot and all the metaphysical principles of this curative
Signs of the Hand's Likeness to the Body
Inherent in the hand and foot correspondence system
is the possibility of an accurate, directional and specific influence on a
specific part of the body. This possibility is materialized through the
evident likeness of hands and feet to the body, and through the structural
Specificities of hands and feet.
Of all the human body parts the hand possesses the
utmost likeness to the body as is evident from the specifies of its
structure. The hand resembles the body in:
The number of protruding parts;
The level of location of the protruding parts;
The directions of the protruding parts;
The proportions of the protruding parts;
The level of location of the protruding parts;
The positions of the protruding parts relatively to
the symmetry line;
The likeness of the thumb to the head
Likeness in the number of protruding parts
One can distinguish five protruding parts in the
human body; the head with its neck and four extremities. The hand, too, has a
palm and five protruding parts - the fingers.
Hands and feet are the only areas of the human body
that have five protruding parts. This is one of the principal likenesses of
hands to the body.
Likeness in the levels of location of the protruding
When one looks at a person in a natural upright
position that persons head is uppermost; legs are the lowest as they are on
the ground; arms are located in an intermediate position. When one's arms
hang down freely the thumb is uppermost. It corresponds to the head. The
location level of the second and fifth fingers corresponds to that of the
arms, while the location level of the third and fourth fingers corresponds to
the legs.
Of course, the correlations will change when the
hands are positioned in a different manner. So the likeness between the human
body and its hands must be studied when they are in the natural position.
Likeness in the directions of the protruding
There are certain spatial parallels of the body's
protruding parts with fingers. In the natural upright position the head faces
upwards, and the extremities are parallel and point down. Similarly, the
thumb faces in a direction different from that of the fingers.
Likeness in proportions of the protruding
The body's shortest and broadest protruding part is
head with the neck. Similar to these on the hand is the thumb. The body's
longest protruding parts are the legs; the hand's longest fingers are the
third and fourth ones. Being shorter than the legs the arms are in an
intermediate position. Similarly, the second and fifth fingers are shorter
than the third and fourth ones.
This supports the notion that the thumbs is in a
correlation with the head and neck, the third and fourth fingers with the
legs, and the second and third fingers correlate with the arms.
Likeness in the number of segments and joints
of the protruding parts
In the human body the uppermost part consists of two
elements, the head and the neck. As to the hand, only the thumb has two
Each of the body's extremities consists of three
functional parts. In the arm one distinguishes the shoulder, forearm and hand
joined by the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. In the leg such are the
thigh, shin and foot joined by the hip, knee and ankle joints. Each of the
four fingers has three phalanxes with joints connecting them to each other
and to the metacarpal bones.
Likeness of the protruding parts relatively to
the symmetry line
The body's left and right sides are alike to each
other in appearance, anatomical structure and equal numbers of bones, and are
symmetrical by the median axis.
On the hand one can also draw a line of symmetry,
the only one that divides the hand in an ideal symmetry both in the
anatomical structure and in the number of the hand bones. The line starts
from between the third and fourth fingers, crosses the middle of the wrist
joint distal fold and from there extends towards median point on thumb top.
Relatively to the symmetry line the body's
protruding parts and the fingers take similar positions. The head is located
exactly on the body's central symmetry line. The thumb is located right on
the symmetry line, with the second and fifth fingers, similarly to the arms,
most remote from the line. The third and fourth fingers are next to the
symmetry line.
Likeness of the thumb to the head
The definition of the thumb as corresponding to the
head is the major prerequisite for understanding all of the body's system of
correspondence on the hand. The thumb has a shape that is more similar to
that of the head than the shape of any finger.
Evidently, functionally the head is the most
important and perfect part of the body that controls all of its functions. In
the hand the thumb is apart from the fingers and, thanks to its mobility, can
freely reach every finger. The thumb's specific group of muscles and
ligaments ensures it a much greater range of movement compared to the fingers,
thus providing the human hand with the possibility to grasp and hold objects
and to do work. If a thumb is amputated a person suffers an irreparable loss
of many professional and routine abilities.
When we consider the functional value of the thumb we
must draw the conclusion that, like the head, it plays the part of
controlling all fingers. Great as the hand's likeness is to the body it is
not a full one.
The human head is pointed in a different direction
compared to the extremities. Likewise, the thumb's direction differs from
those of the fingers. Had the thumb been positioned to point in a direction
opposite to the fingers and not at an angle to the hand, the hand's likeness
to the body might have been discovered much earlier.
The thumb's partial turn relatively to the palm is
the contemporary man's adaptation to performing diverse work. This fact
somewhat concealed the hand's evident likeness to the body and delayed the
discovery of the perfect curative system.
Such position of the thumb notwithstanding, the
hand's likeness to the body is quite evident to notice.
Specifies of the Likeness of the Foot
Of all the body's parts the foot is second to the
hand in the likeness to the structure of the body. The five toes correspond
respectively to the five protruding parts of the human body. Consequently,
the foot, like the hand possesses the fundamental structural elements of
This likeness of the foot to the body, however, is
more difficult to spot. It is simpler to begin with learning the
correspondence of the hand to the body, then the structural similarity of the
foot and the hand, and so finally to understand the correspondence of the
foot's structure to the body.
The correspondence of the hand has been described in
detail previously. But how does the foot correspond to the hand? Animals have
no basic distinctions in the structures of the front and back extremities,
because originally the two pairs of extremities belonged to the same category
and performed similar functions. This statement can easily be seen when one
compares the anatomy of the bone structure of the hands and feet.
It follows from this that the original
correspondence system of the foot is similar to that of the hand: the big toe
corresponds to the head, the second and the fifth toes - to the arms, the
third and the fourth - to the legs.
In general terms, the foot correspondence system is
alike to the correspondence system of the hand. If one takes certain
principal points as references one will have no problems with understanding
the correspondence of the foot
Anatomically, the principal difference between the
foot and the hand is that the big toe is not separated noticeably from the
other toes. It may be due to the fact that the feet generally belong to Yin
and perform much simpler functions compared with the hands. Because of this
Specificity the body's line of symmetry is projected onto the foot in a
somewhat different manner than onto the hand.
Compared to the hand the foot's structural
resemblance to the body is not as evident. However, the foot gets stimulated
more frequently and much more strongly than any other part of the human body.
It follows that the correspondence system developed in the foot must be more
The fact that's human organism is maintained in good
health is probably due to the continued process of physiological stimulation
of the foot correspondence systems, though the process of stimulation is not
noticeable to us.
The problem to resolve is how the potentialities of
this curative system can be used to maintain and fortify the health of
Simple Application:
Your hand and your knowledge are always with YOU.
And you will have no difficulties in finding a suitable material for
So far there has never been a treatment method so
easy to master and produce such significant and rapid effect!
Su Jok Therapy method has been evolved by a South
Korean scientist Professor Park Jae Woo who was able to make a substantial
contribution to the traditional approaches to acupuncture. Professor Park Jae
Woo is a man of profound knowledge and lofty spirituality. He works hard
always without self-interest. His work is dedicated to people, and filled
with desire to help them, to convey them the thought that they are loved, and
to make them happier. Knowledge received from such a man is Great Knowledge.
You will see it by yourself when you master this uniquely simple and
effective system.
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