Sunday, November 21, 2010

Body energy balancing

Our mind is like a magnet, which draws unto itself its one like, type and kind.

For many of us the power of attraction in our mind is too weak to meet the demands. A magnet can only draw to itself in proportion to its own power. Our mental magnet is greatly reduced in strength by our worries and our fears, and our inflow of good is slowly closed off or muted. If our mental force becomes too weak, we may even repel what little good that is trying to reach us.

Just as we can charge a magnet with electric energy to build up its power of magnetism, so we can our mind. Our mind can be charged with mental energy that builds up our power of attraction.

There is a spiritual law that says you can have anything you are willing to become. We do live in a world that operates by the Law of Attraction and we have a magnetic radius to the energy that we primarily hold.

If we want to bring something into our lives or experience a new result, the place to begin is within ourselves. We can have anything we’re willing to become.

Walk in the world radiating the very thing you want to bring in your life. If you want more friendship, radiate friendship. If you want more love, then be loving to every person you meet in the most appropriate way. But, be that. Be the very thing you’d like to bring in your life.

Each one of us can truly and really have anything we’re willing to become.

Try our body energy balancing techniques. You can be amazed on how effective it can be. Call our office at 718-375-1144

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Greetings ,

October is a month rich with health observance “holidays”. Lung Health Month is among those getting the most press. Anti-smoking campaigns that use the gross-out factor, or try to threaten the ill-effects of smoking clearly haven’t wiped out this very un-healthy habit. Smokers love to smoke. They may feel glamorous or sexy smoking, or they may be wrestling with an addiction that has plagued them for years.

According to the American Lung Association, smoking kills over 390,000 people each year and is the primary cause of preventable deaths in the US, with an additional 50,000 deaths caused by second-hand smoke. Most smokers are well aware that lung, mouth and throat cancers are consequences of smoking, but may not feel these risks are an immediate threat.

What they may not understand is the OTHER, more immediate risks of smoking that don’t get as much press. Cigarette smoke produces as many as 4,000 chemicals, including heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, polonium and lead. These toxins are stuck to the leaves, even after processing and get lodged in the tar that collects in the smoker’s lungs and absorbed by their tissues, creating a host of other problems including DNA mutation, brain chemistry imbalance, organ dysfunction and damage to the nervous system that can cause changes in behavior.

Check out the following heavy metals that may create havoc in your system if you smoke.

  • Cadmium - Modulates gene expression and signal transduction, reduces activities of proteins involved in antioxidant defense, interferes with DNA repair which modifies cancer development and brain function.
  • Arsenic - Causes gastrointestinal symptoms such as severe vomiting, disturbances of the blood and circulation, damage to the nervous system, and eventually death. May reduce blood cell production, break up red blood cells in circulation, enlarge the liver, color the skin, produce tingling and loss of sensation in the limbs, and cause brain damage.
  • Lead - May cause anemia, damage to the brain and nervous system, headaches, digestive issues and kidney dysfunction.
  • Polonium - deposited in the soft tissue such as the spleen, kidneys, and liver, with a small amount also deposited in bone marrow. Repeated exposure or large amounts can cause intestinal hemorrhage, anemia, bleeding, overwhelming infections, kidney failure and skin conditions.
Try our new anti smoking program. You may eliminate your smoking habit after one session.
Call 718-375-1144 for appointment.

Monday, June 28, 2010


It has been estimated that over ten million Americans suffer from depression. This alarming statistic certainly says something about our society, style of life, and a lack of spiritual understanding that is pervasive in our existence.

Depression is a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity. There are many different treatments for depression from chemical to homeopathic and from meditational to the neuro-stimulation of the brain. Various environmental, bio-chemical and stress factors can cause or exacerbate depression. There are psychosocial factors as well: According to Robert Ivker, author of "The Complete Self-Care Guide to Holistic Medicine” psychosocial factors can be broken into the following three category.

1. BODY: Physical and Environmental (Candidiasis - yeast overgrowth, inhalant and food allergies, childbirth-postpartum, hormone dysfunction (PMS, menopause), folic acid or thyroid gland deficiency, lack of exercise and obesity.)
2. MIND: Mental and Emotional (grief, loss, failure, addictions, lack of self-expression or stimulation and sense of powerlessness or emotional childhood traumas.)
3.SPIRIT: Spiritual and Social (Lack of purpose or meaning in life, feelings of isolation; lack of compassion, connection or a committed loving relationship)

Research evidence indicates that brain biochemistry is a significant factor in depressive disorders. For example, individuals with major depressive illness typically have too little or too much of certain brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters.

Traditional methods of battling depression relied on medications, which regulate the neurochemical serotonin and include such well-known names as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Celexa. Other medications, not as widely used due to their massive side effects utilize a different approach – they regulate the level certain enzymes present in a human body that destroy neurotransmitters.

In general, any anti-depressant drug has potential side effects including insomnia, skin rashes, anxiety, headaches, stomach aches or loss of sexual desire – a list that makes a patient wonder whether the medication is worse than the disorder itself. And if the list above doesn’t sound unpleasant, here are the potential side effects of stronger drugs, used to treat atypical depression, e.g. cases that do not respond to traditional medications: dizziness, rise on blood pressure, psychotic symptoms, seizures, stroke and coma.

Luckily, as the depression research continues more treatment possibilities are becoming available and many of them do not require toxic medication with life-threatening side effects. According to Wikipedia, (over 125 research studies) the introduction of an extremely very weak electrical current into the brain stimulates neurotransmitters in humans. The Micro-current Therapy used at Amita Healing Center is typically less than one milliampere (the current needed to power a light bulb is about 11,000 times stronger) and is not only absolutely painless, but also barely sensible.

Human brain produces various wave forms at any given time. Alpha waves are the brain waves one feels when they are alert yet relaxed. Decreased alpha wave activity can lead to various medical conditions. People with psychological disorders, have irregular brain wave patterns – deficiencies of some and excessiveness of others. For example, patients suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, epilepsy, and even schizophrenia have high beta wave power and low alpha wave power. The Micro-current therapy used at Amita Healing Center increase alpha wave activity. The results are often noticeable after one or two sessions. No serious side effects have been reported which makes Micro-current Therapy a much healthier alternative to chemical anti-depressant.
As psychotherapy research progresses, alpha wave enhancement is on its way of becoming the new major tool in fighting mental illness.

For details